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Addressing AI Challenges: Accuracy, Hallucinations, and Data Leaks

Updated: May 27


  • AI offers transformative potential for small businesses, but hurdles like hallucinations, data leakage, and accuracy persist. 'Human-in-the-Loop' (HITL) is critical for validating AI outputs amidst these challenges.

  • Solutions are emerging such as Google's 'Search with Accuracy Feedback' (SAFE), which cross-verifies AI-made claims, and Microsoft's Azure AI Studio, which screens for hallucinations.

  • Highlighting ethical AI concerns, the US Congress has banned Microsoft’s AI Copilot, and there's a rising demand for AI tools ensuring data security such as OpenAI's ChatGPT, which is introducing visible source links to heighten transparency.

  • Small business owners should stay updated about these advancements to fully harness AI's potential.


AI Challenges: Accuracy, Hallucinations, and Data Leaks

Artificial intelligence (AI) presents countless opportunities to transform how small businesses operate. However, challenges like data accuracy, hallucinations, and data leaks are still prevalent. It's essential for business owners to understand these issues and to be aware of the measures being taken to address them.

In short, AI hallucination is when AI makes up stuff that isn't true, AI accuracy is about how often AI gets things right, and an AI data leak is when private information handled by AI gets exposed by mistake. To combat these, AI companies are making progress but in the meantime, the Human-in-the-Loop (HITL) validating the AI's output is crucial.

Check out the following What Is cards from Intelligence Assist and read more below on what is happening to mitigate these challenges. AI Challenges: Accuracy, Hallucinations, and Data Leaks

One of the tools making a significant impact in this area is Google's Search with Accuracy Feedback (SAFE). SAFE utilizes a large language model to parse out text into individual facts. Then, it cross-verifies the accuracy of each claim using Google Search results, offering a reliable and less pricey alternative to hiring expert fact-checkers.

Similarly, Microsoft's Azure AI Studio features tools that screen for malicious prompts and 'unsupported' responses, often known as hallucinations. This AI developers' aid propels accuracy, maintains security, and helps avoid contentious outcomes. Real-life examples include the recent fiasco with explicit fake images generated by AI tools.

In the legislative arena, the US Congress recently banned the use of Microsoft's AI Copilot, underscoring the rising call for ethical AI technologies. These ethical concerns extend to the manner in which AI tools handle data, with increasing demand for AI tools that guarantee data security and prevent leakage.

OpenAI's ChatGPT is setting benchmarks in this regard, by making source links more visible in their outputs. This feature enhances transparency and accountability, proving beneficial for users seeking reliable information from AI bots.

As small businesses owners, facing AI challenges head-on and staying updated on these developments is key to leveraging the power of AI effectively.


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