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Unlock the Power of AI for Your Business

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Unlock the Power of AI for Your Business

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Unlock the Power of AI for Your Business

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Unlock the Power of AI for Your Business

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Unlock the Power of AI for Your Business

Navigating the AI Journey: Intelligence Assist's Subscribe, Buy, Build Framework

Artificial intelligence (AI) is transforming businesses across industries, offering unprecedented opportunities for efficiency, innovation, and growth. However, the path to successful AI adoption can be complex and daunting, especially for small businesses with limited resources and expertise. At Intelligence Assist, we understand these challenges and have developed a strategic framework to guide our clients through their AI journey - the Subscribe, Buy, Build matrix.


The Subscribe, Buy, Build matrix is a decision-making tool that helps businesses determine the optimal approach for implementing AI solutions based on their specific needs, capabilities, and goals.

The choice between Subscribe, Buy, and Build depends on several factors, including the business's AI maturity, in-house capabilities, budget, and the strategic importance of the AI application. A company just starting its AI journey may opt for Subscribe, while an organization looking to embed AI into its core processes may lean towards Buy or Build.


Importantly, these approaches are not mutually exclusive. A hybrid strategy, combining elements of Subscribe, Buy, and Build, can often provide the best balance of quick wins and long-term value. The Intelligence Assist team works closely with each client to assess their unique situation and recommend the optimal mix.


Navigating the AI landscape can be overwhelming, but with the right framework and expert guidance, every business can unlock the power of this transformative technology. The Subscribe, Buy, Build matrix is just one of the tools Intelligence Assist uses to demystify AI and set our clients up for success. Whether you're subscribing to your first AI tool or building a custom solution, we're here to support you at every step of your AI journey.


For standalone AI tools that operate on a subscription basis, the Subscribe model offers a quick and cost-effective entry point. In this approach, Intelligence Assist helps clients select the right tool, set up their account, and provide training.


Many of these tools are user-friendly and can be adopted with minimal upfront investment.


We generally recommend starting with monthly subscriptions to ensure the tool continues to meet the business's evolving needs.


The Buy category also involves subscription-based tools, but with a higher level of customization and integration. These solutions require more upfront effort, including tailoring the AI to the company's specific data and processes, configuring settings, and training the AI models.


Given the greater initial investment, Buy solutions are suited for longer-term commitments where the AI is expected to deliver significant, ongoing value.


Intelligence Assist takes a hands-on approach in the setup and configuration of Buy solutions.


At the complex end of the spectrum are custom-built AI solutions.

While Intelligence Assist does not develop these in-house, we have partnered with trusted solution providers to offer this option to our clients.


In the Build approach, we act as the client's advocate, overseeing the development process to ensure the end product aligns with their business needs and the AI Blueprint & Roadmap developed during our Advice phase.

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