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  • Can you help me stay up-to-date with AI technology advancements?
    Definitely! We're always monitoring the latest AI developments. As part of our service, I'll keep you informed about new opportunities and help you adapt your AI strategy as technology evolves.
  • I'm not very tech-savvy. Can you really help someone like me?
    Absolutely! We specialise in making AI accessible to everyone, regardless of their technical expertise. We'll work with you personally to understand your business needs and guide you through the process of adopting AI tools that will simplify your operations.
  • How do you ensure the AI tools actually work for my business?
    We take a personalised approach, starting with a thorough assessment of your business. We'll identify areas where AI can make the biggest impact and then create a customised implementation plan. It's not about forcing complex technology on you; it's about finding practical solutions that will genuinely benefit your business.
  • I'm concerned about the cost. Is adopting AI going to be expensive?
    We understand that small businesses need to be mindful of expenses. That's why we focus on cost-effective solutions that deliver real value. We'll work with you to find AI tools that fit your budget and provide a solid return on investment.
  • How do you ensure my business information stays secure?
    We take data security very seriously. We use industry best practices to protect your information, and we'll work with you to ensure that any AI tools we implement comply with relevant data protection regulations.
  • I'm interested! How do I get started with Intelligence Assist?
    It's simple! Just reach out to us through our website. We'll set up an initial consultation to discuss your business needs and how we can help you leverage AI to boost your success. Soon, you'll be on your way to becoming an AI-powered small business leader.
  • What's Intelligence Assist all about? How do you help small businesses like mine?
    We are passionate about empowering small businesses to harness the power of AI. We believe AI shouldn't be limited to large corporations, so we're dedicated to helping smaller companies like yours benefit from this technology. We offer tailored solutions to boost your productivity and give you a competitive edge.
  • How long does it typically take to see results from these AI tools?
    The timeline can vary depending on your specific needs and the tools we're implementing. However, we aim to get you up and running as quickly as possible. We'll provide training and support to ensure you start seeing benefits in a timely manner.
  • What kind of AI tools do you offer?
    We provide a range of AI solutions, including chatbots for customer service, AI-powered analytics for better decision-making, and automation tools to streamline your operations. I'll help you find the right combination of tools to meet your specific business needs.
  • What if I encounter issues with the AI tools? Will you provide support?
    Absolutely! We provide ongoing support and maintenance to ensure your AI tools keep running smoothly. If you encounter any problems, We'll be there to help you resolve them promptly.
  • What sets Intelligence Assist apart from other AI consultancies?
    We're not just AI specialists or prompt engineers. We're passionate process enthusiasts. Our approach is simple: we talk, understand, identify, and optimise. We engage in meaningful conversations with business operators, understand their models, identify areas for efficiency, and optimise processes through adaptive AI solutions.
  • How do you approach AI implementation for small businesses?
    We take a technology-agnostic approach. Instead of promoting specific tools, we focus on analysing your existing operational models and processes to identify areas where AI can provide efficiencies. We then offer detailed training, guidance, and adoption strategies tailored to your specific needs.
  • What's the story behind Intelligence Assist?
    Intelligence Assist was born from Janey’s personal experience. Janey’s parents were small business owners who were eager to adopt new technologies but often struggled to find the right guidance. Janey realised that while many tech advancements could be easily integrated into existing business models, AI presents a unique challenge. It requires a more integrative approach, which can be complex for small businesses to navigate on their own.
  • How can I get started with Intelligence Assist?
    Getting started is easy! You can reach out to us through our website, give us a call, or request a callback. We'll set up an initial consultation to discuss your business needs and how we can help you leverage AI to boost your success. We're here to guide you every step of the way on your AI journey.
  • How do you ensure that the AI solutions you implement are right for each business?
    We start by thoroughly understanding your business model, goals, and challenges. Our process is highly personalised - we don't believe in one-size-fits-all solutions. We work closely with you to identify the most impactful areas for AI implementation and create a customized plan that aligns with your specific needs and budget.
  • How do you stay up-to-date with the latest AI developments?
    Staying current with AI advancements is a core part of our work. We continuously monitor the latest developments in the field and maintain partnerships with local AI developers. This allows us to bring cutting-edge, locally-relevant solutions to our clients.
  • I'm worried about AI replacing jobs. How do you address this concern?
    We're dedicated to easing the fear of AI. Our goal is to empower businesses to stay competitive without fearing technological advancement or job displacement. We see AI as a tool to enhance human capabilities, not replace them.
  • What's your vision for the future of small businesses and AI?
    We envision a future where AI is not just accessible, but an indispensable tool for small businesses to compete, succeed, and flourish. We're working towards creating a thriving, AI-powered small business ecosystem in Australia, where entrepreneurs can leverage AI to make data-driven decisions, automate processes, and deliver unparalleled customer experiences.
  • Can you tell me about the team behind Intelligence Assist?
    Absolutely! Janey Treleaven, the founder and CEO, brings over two decades of experience in Financial Services, Technology, and Payments sectors. We also have Harriet Brown, Head of AI Optimisation having worked in her small family business before moving to Australia, Harriet bridges the gap between small business passion and AI optimisation. We have Mo Ahmed, Head of AI engineering who is dedicated to assisting small enterprises in automating tasks and fostering actionable insights to optimise operational efficiency and enhance profitability. We also have Kate Tabala, Head of Marketing and CX bringing her expertise in creating engaging content, managing online presence, and building active communities for companies and brands. And finally, we have Libby Porter, our Project & Marketing Coordinator, who brings expertise in project management and digital marketing. Each team member brings unique skills and experiences that contribute to our holistic approach to AI implementation.
  • What kind of businesses do you typically work with?
    We work with small and medium-sized businesses across Australia. Our services are designed to be accessible and affordable for businesses that might not have the resources for a full-time AI team but still want to leverage the power of AI.
  • Can AI help me expand my business or enter new markets?
    Absolutely. AI can analyse market trends and consumer behaviour to identify new opportunities. It can help you optimize your product offerings, target new customer segments, and even suggest potential new markets. AI's predictive capabilities can be invaluable when planning business expansion.
  • How can AI improve my business's efficiency?
    AI can significantly boost efficiency by automating routine tasks like data entry, scheduling, and basic customer inquiries. This allows your team to focus on more complex, value-adding activities. Additionally, AI can process and analyse large amounts of data quickly, providing insights that can help streamline your operations.
  • I've heard AI can improve customer service. How does that work?
    AI can enhance customer service in several ways. Chatbots can handle basic inquiries 24/7, freeing up your staff for more complex issues. AI can also analyse customer interactions to provide personalised recommendations and predict potential issues before they arise.
  • Why should my small business consider adopting AI?
    AI offers numerous benefits for small businesses. It can help you automate repetitive tasks, enhance decision-making through data analysis, improve customer experiences, and even create new revenue streams. By leveraging AI, you can compete more effectively with larger companies and free up time to focus on strategic growth.
  • How do I know if my business is ready for AI?
    Every business can benefit from AI in some way, regardless of its size or industry. We start by assessing your current processes, challenges, and goals to determine where AI can have the most impact. Even if you're just starting out, there are likely areas where AI can help streamline your operations or improve decision-making. We're here to guide you through the process and ensure you're implementing AI in a way that makes sense for your business.
  • Can AI really help me make better business decisions?
    Definitely. AI-powered analytics can process vast amounts of data to provide actionable insights. This can help you make more informed decisions about inventory management, pricing strategies, market trends, and more. It's like having a powerful business analyst working for you 24/7.
  • I'm concerned about data privacy. How does AI handle sensitive information?
    Data privacy is a top priority when implementing AI solutions. We ensure that all AI tools we recommend comply with relevant data protection regulations. We'll work with you to implement proper data handling procedures and security measures to protect your business and customer information.
  • I'm worried about the cost. Is AI really affordable for small businesses?
    Absolutely! While AI used to be prohibitively expensive, recent advancements have made it much more accessible. There are now many cost-effective AI solutions designed specifically for small businesses. We can help you find options that fit your budget while still delivering significant value.
  • How can AI help me stay competitive in my industry?
    AI can give you a competitive edge by helping you operate more efficiently, make data-driven decisions, and provide better customer experiences. It can also help you identify new opportunities and adapt quickly to market changes. In today's fast-paced business environment, AI is becoming increasingly crucial for staying competitive.
  • How can AI help me understand my customers better?
    AI excels at analysing customer data to uncover patterns and insights. It can help you understand customer preferences, predict buying behaviours, and personalise your marketing efforts. This deeper understanding can lead to improved customer satisfaction and loyalty.
  • How long does the whole process take?
    The timeline can vary depending on your business needs and the complexity of the AI solutions we're implementing. The initial Assess phase is quick - just a 45-minute consultation. The subsequent phases are flexible and can be tailored to your preferred pace. We can move as quickly or as gradually as you're comfortable with.
  • Do I need any technical knowledge to work with Intelligence Assist?
    Not at all! We specialise in making AI accessible to all businesses, regardless of their technical expertise. Our team will guide you through every step of the process, explaining concepts in plain language and providing all the support you need.
  • What if I need ongoing support after implementation?
    We've got you covered with our AI Optimization as a Service (AIOaaS). This provides continuous, adaptable support that grows with your business. We offer a range of services to refine and enhance your AI integration, ensuring you're always getting the most value from your AI investments.
  • How do you actually implement AI in my business?
    That's where our Assist phase comes in. We work closely with you to implement the AI solutions outlined in your strategic plan. We tailor the implementation pace to your needs - you can start with a single initiative or tackle several at once. Throughout this process, we provide training and support to ensure your team can effectively use and manage these new AI tools.
  • I'm ready to explore AI for my business. What's my next step?
    Great! The best way to get started is to book an appointment or give us a call. We'll schedule your complimentary assessment consultation and get you on the path to leveraging AI for your business success. We're excited to help you explore the possibilities AI can offer your business!
  • How much does it cost to get started with Intelligence Assist?
    Our initial Assess phase, which includes a consultation and custom report, is complimentary. For subsequent phases, we offer flexible pricing options tailored to your specific needs and the scope of AI implementation. We're committed to providing cost-effective solutions that deliver real value for small businesses.
  • What happens after the initial assessment?
    If you decide to move forward, we enter the Advice phase. Here, we dive deeper into your business operations to create a personalized strategic AI adoption plan. We'll identify specific AI initiatives that align with your unique needs and prioritise them based on potential impact and feasibility.
  • What do I need to provide for my free AI business assessment?
    For the assessment, we just need some basic information about your business - its size, industry, and current technology use. Don't worry about preparing anything extensive. We'll guide you through the conversation during our 45-minute consultation to gather what we need.
  • I'm interested in AI, but I'm not sure where to start. How can Intelligence Assist help?
    We make getting started with AI easy and risk-free. Our process begins with a complimentary Assess phase, where we evaluate your business's AI readiness and potential. This includes a 45-minute consultation and a custom AI assessment report. It's the perfect way to dip your toes into the AI world without any commitment.
  • After the assessment, how soon will I receive my AI Assessment?
    You can expect to receive your tailored AI Assessment within 3-5 business days after completing the assessment.
  • How much does the Assist service cost?
    The exact cost of our Assist service depends on the specific AI tools and strategies your business requires. We strive for transparency and value, providing you with a detailed cost breakdown before any commitments. Our goal is to ensure that every investment in AI is justified by substantial benefits to your business, aligning with your ROI expectations. Our pricing model is designed to be flexible and accommodating, ensuring that the solutions we implement are both economically sensible and strategically sound.
  • What makes the Assist service unique?
    Our Assist service stands out through its hands-on, partnership approach to implementing AI tools in your business. We adopt the "See One, Do One, Teach One" methodology, starting with our team leading the first tool implementation while your team observes ("See One"). Next, we collaboratively work on implementing a second AI tool ("Do One"), encouraging your team to actively engage in the process with our guidance. Finally, the responsibility shifts to your team to lead the process ("Teach One"), ensuring they are confident and capable of managing AI tools independently. This progressive method ensures a smooth transition to AI adoption while enhancing your team's capabilities.
  • How does AIOaaS benefit my business in the long run?
    AIOaaS means securing a partnership dedicated to your long-term success in the AI space. This service ensures that your AI tools and strategies not only remain effective but also adapt to new challenges and opportunities. With regular assessments, updates, and strategic recommendations, AIOaaS keeps your business ahead in the technological race, leveraging AI for growth, efficiency, and innovation. It’s a commitment to continuous improvement and strategic foresight, ensuring that your AI ecosystem grows in alignment with your business objectives.
  • What is AIOaaS?
    AI Optimization as a Service (AIOaaS) is our premium offering for businesses that have begun their AI journey and seek to maintain, optimize, and expand their AI capabilities. This subscription-based service includes continuous optimization of your AI tools and processes, responsive support from our team of experts, and adaptive strategies that evolve with your business. AIOaaS is about ensuring that your AI investment continues to yield returns, keeping your operations at the cutting edge of technology.
  • What's your approach to helping small businesses adopt AI?
    We use a four-step approach: Assess, Advice, Assist, and AIOaaS (AI Optimisation as a Service). This flexible framework allows us to tailor our services to your specific needs, from initial assessment to ongoing optimisation.
  • How do you actually implement AI in my business?
    That's our Assist phase. We work closely with you to implement the AI solutions outlined in your strategic plan. We can adjust the pace to your needs - you might start with one initiative or tackle several at once.
  • Do I need technical expertise to work with Intelligence Assist?
    Not at all. We specialise in making AI accessible to all businesses, regardless of their technical expertise. We'll guide you through every step and provide all the necessary training and support.
  • What happens after the initial assessment?
    If you decide to move forward, we enter the Advice phase. Here, we create a personalised strategic AI adoption plan for your business, identifying and prioritising AI initiatives that align with your unique operations.
  • Do you offer ongoing support after implementation?
    Absolutely! Our AIOaaS (AI Optimisation as a Service) provides continuous, adaptable support as your business grows. We offer various services to refine and enhance your AI optimisation over time.
  • How do you ensure the AI solutions are right for my specific business?
    We take a personalised approach throughout our process. We start by thoroughly understanding your business model and goals, then tailor our recommendations and implementations to your specific needs and industry context.
  • How do you ensure I'm getting value for money?
    We're committed to your ROI. Every AI investment we recommend comes with a strong business case. We work with various tool providers to secure the best pricing for our clients, ensuring the benefits of AI far outweigh the costs.
  • What about the costs for your other services?
    Our pricing is flexible and tailored to your needs. Currently, we're offering our Advice service at a special introductory rate of AUD 1,200. For our Assist and AIOaaS services, we provide custom quotes based on your specific AI requirements and the scope of implementation.
  • Do you offer any payment plans or financing options?
    While we don't currently offer financing directly, we're happy to discuss flexible payment options that work for your business. Our goal is to make AI accessible to small businesses, so we're always open to finding solutions that fit your budget.
  • How much does it cost to get started with Intelligence Assist?
    Our initial AI Assess service is completely free of charge. This includes a 45-minute consultation and a custom AI assessment report. It's our way of helping you explore AI possibilities without any financial commitment.
  • Are there any hidden fees or long-term contracts?
    Transparency is key for us. We provide a clear, detailed cost breakdown before you make any commitments. There are no hidden fees, and our contract terms are flexible to suit your business needs.
  • Can I expect any ongoing costs after implementation?
    If you opt for our AIOaaS (AI Optimisation as a Service), there will be ongoing costs for continuous support and optimisation. However, these are designed to ensure your AI tools remain effective and up-to-date, providing long-term value to your business.
  • How do you handle sensitive customer data when implementing AI solutions?
    We follow a 'privacy by design' approach. This means we consider data protection from the very beginning of any AI implementation. We'll work with you to identify sensitive data and implement appropriate safeguards, such as data minimisation and pseudonymisation techniques.
  • How do you ensure the security of my business data when using AI tools?
    We take data security very seriously. All AI solutions we implement adhere to industry best practices for data protection. We use encryption, secure cloud storage, and access controls to safeguard your information. We also ensure compliance with relevant data protection regulations to give you peace of mind.
  • Will my business information be shared with third parties?
    Absolutely not without your explicit consent. We treat your business information as strictly confidential. Any data used for AI training or analysis is anonymised and aggregated to protect your privacy. We're here to help your business, not to share your secrets.
  • Are your AI solutions compliant with Australian privacy laws?
    Yes, we ensure all our AI solutions comply with Australian privacy laws, including the Privacy Act 1988 and the Australian Privacy Principles. We stay up-to-date with any changes in legislation and adjust our practices accordingly to keep your business compliant.
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