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How We Help

Our Human Touch, Your AI Advantage

Our proprietary delivery approach consists of four steps and is designed with flexibility in mind. We personalise each step of your AI journey to align to your needs. By offering a progression from assessment to optimisation, Intelligence Assist ensures that you and your team receive the guidance, tools, and support needed to transform your operations with AI.


Begin your AI transformation journey with a comprehensive, complimentary analysis pinpointing your business's readiness and potential for AI integration—find out what AI can do for you


Next, we dive deeper into the intricacies of your business to build a personalised strategic AI adoption plan, ensuring the tools recommended align with your unique operations and are sequenced to match your priorities


Embark on the practical phase of AI adoption; we collaborate closely to implement AI solutions tailored to your business’s specific needs, setting the stage for sustained success


Our AI Optimisation as a Service delivers continuous, adaptable support that grows with your business, offering a range of services to refine and enhance AI integration at your pace


The Assess phase is the critical first step in your AI journey. At Intelligence Assist, we start with an assessment service tailored for small businesses across Australia.


Our goal is to thoroughly evaluate your AI ambition and business's readiness for AI adoption and identify the most impactful opportunities to leverage AI for increased efficiency, innovation and growth.

What's Involved

The Assess phase includes a 45-minute consultation where you will participate in a one-on-one session with our experienced AI consultants via phone or video conference. This is your chance to discuss your AI goals, ask questions, and gain insights into how AI can be strategically aligned with your unique business objectives.


Following the consultation, you will receive a custom AI assessment report in the form of a comprehensive PDF document summarizing the key takeaways. This personalized report provides an in-depth assessment of your business's AI potential, including specific recommendations for AI technologies and implementation strategies optimized for your operations.

What you get

By completing the Assess phase, you will gain:

  • Clarity - develop a clear understanding of what AI can do for your small business and how it aligns with your goals. Cut through the hype and get practical insights.

  • Direction - receive an actionable roadmap outlining the AI technologies and approaches that can deliver the most value based on your business model, processes and objectives.

  • Confidence - feel empowered to move forward with AI adoption, armed with expert recommendations and an understanding of the next steps to unlock the power of AI for your small business.

At Intelligence Assist, we are committed to making AI accessible and valuable for every small business owner. The Assess phase is designed to provide the foundation of knowledge and strategic direction you need to begin your AI transformation with confidence.


As a special launch offer, our Assess service is currently available for free. Take advantage of this limited time opportunity to gain valuable insights into your business's AI readiness at no cost.

We believe every small business should have the chance to explore the potential of AI. That's why we're making it easy and risk-free to get started with our complimentary assessment.


Don't miss out on this exclusive offer to set your business on the path to AI success.


*Please note this is an introductory offer for a limited time only. Pricing is subject to change.

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Unlock the Power of AI for Your Business

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Unlock the Power of AI for Your Business

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Unlock the Power of AI for Your Business

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Unlock the Power of AI for Your Business

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Unlock the Power of AI for Your Business

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Unlock the Power of AI for Your Business


The Advice phase is a deep dive into formulating your strategic AI adoption plan. Following the comprehensive evaluation in the Assess phase, Advice is about translating AI potential into a concrete roadmap for action. We work closely with you to identify the AI tools and strategies that will deliver the most value to your business, and we lay out a phased plan for implementation.


Our approach to Advice is grounded in the understanding that AI is not a one-size-fits-all solution. Every business has unique needs, priorities, and resources. That's why we take a customised approach, crafting an AI Blueprint & Roadmap that's tailored to your specific context.

What's Involved

Participate in a 2-hour intensive Advice Discovery Workshop designed for up to 3 key personnel from your business. This workshop focuses on aligning your business model and operating model with potential AI technologies. It also includes essential AI training to ensure your team is well-prepared to implement the recommended tools and strategies.


Our AI experts will then develop a comprehensive AI Blueprint & Roadmap based on the insights gathered during the workshop and the findings from the Assess phase. This roadmap outlines the recommended AI tools for your business, the expected benefits, and a prioritised sequence for adoption.

Artificial intelligence is a versatile tool that can be applied in numerous ways to benefit businesses. In your custom AI Blueprint, we will group the applications of AI into 4 main categories based on what they will do for you:

  • Generate - create new content, designs, code, or other outputs. 

  • Converse - engage in natural dialogues with humans, either via text or voice interfaces. 

  • Automate - streamline and automate various business processes. 

  • Predict & Optimise - analyse what has happened to make predictions and identify optimisation opportunities.

Read more about the Types of AI here

Designed with Assist in mind, our implementation phase, we categorise AI tools into a Subscribe, Buy, Build framework:

  • Subscribe - standalone AI tools that can be quickly adopted on a subscription basis.

  • Buy - subscription-based tools that require more upfront effort for customisation, configuration, and training.

  • Build - custom AI solutions that are developed specifically for your business.

Read more about our Subscribe, Buy, Build framework here

The roadmap prioritises AI initiatives based on factors such as strategic alignment, quick wins, pain points, and resource availability. The goal is to create a phased plan that delivers value at each stage while aligning with your overall business strategy and constraints.

Read more about our Prioritisation and the AI Roadmap here.

What you get

By completing the Advice phase, you will receive:

  • Personalised Guidance - tailored recommendations that are relevant, actionable, and aligned with your specific business goals, ensuring the AI solutions address your unique challenges and opportunities.

  • AI Blueprint & Roadmap - a detailed PDF document that serves as your guide through the complexities of AI integration. This blueprint provides a clear path toward technological empowerment, helping you make informed decisions on leveraging AI for growth and efficiency.

  • Confidence and Knowledge - the Assist phase demystifies the process of AI adoption, equipping you with the confidence and knowledge needed to successfully implement AI technologies in your business. 


With Intelligence Assist's Advice service, you're not just planning for AI integration; you're preparing for transformative change. Let us guide you through the complexities of AI adoption with a personalised Blueprint & Roadmap, setting you up for a successful transition into the Assist phase and beyond.


As a special launch offer, our Advice service is available at a reduced rate of AUD 1,200. This limited-time pricing makes it more accessible for small businesses to benefit from strategic AI planning and expert guidance as they embark on their AI transformation journey.


*Please note this is an introductory offer for a limited time only. Pricing is subject to change.


Our Assist service is more than just AI implementation; it's a partnership that empowers your business to fully harness the potential of artificial intelligence. 

We understand the apprehension surrounding AI—the fear of obsolescence and the rapid pace of technological change.


That's why we focus on working alongside you, ensuring that you're not just adopting AI, but becoming proficient in leading its implementation and optimization.

Building upon the strategic foundation laid in the Advice phase, Assist is all about turning your AI blueprint into reality. Our role is to guide you through the implementation process, ensuring that the AI initiatives outlined in your roadmap are seamlessly integrated into your business operations.


During the Advice phase, we will have agreed on the type of AI (Generate, Converse, Automate or Predict & Optimise) for each opportunity in your operating model, a high-level approach (Subscribe, Buy, Build) for each AI initiative, and a prioritised roadmap. As we transition into the Assist phase, we reconfirm these decisions and establish timelines, making adjustments as necessary based on any changes or new insights.

What's Involved

The Assist phase is a collaborative process where we work closely with you to determine the velocity of your AI implementation – how quickly you want to move and how to space out each initiative. We understand that every business has unique needs and constraints, so we tailor our approach to find the right plan for you.


Once we've agreed on the implementation plan, we start executing your AI initiatives one by one. The time and effort required for each implementation can vary depending on factors such as the Subscribe, Buy, Build approach and the complexity of the AI solution.


Throughout the implementation process, we maintain regular check-ins and communication, seeking your feedback to ensure we're meeting your expectations and delivering value. Our goal is not just to implement AI for you, but to empower your team with the skills and knowledge to leverage AI independently.


You have the flexibility to choose how much of your AI blueprint you want to implement. Whether you want to start with a single initiative, tackle a few spaced out over time, or go all-in with a comprehensive implementation, we'll work with you to find the approach that aligns with your business priorities and resources.

What you get

By the end of the Assist phase, you will have:


Operational AI Solutions - the AI initiatives outlined in your blueprint will be up and running, integrated into your business processes and delivering tangible value.

Empowered Team - your team will have gained hands-on experience with AI implementation and will be equipped with the skills to leverage AI tools and techniques independently.

Customised Implementation - your AI journey will have been tailored to your unique business context, priorities, and pace, ensuring maximum alignment and impact.

With Intelligence Assist's Assist service, you're setting the foundation for effective AI use and paving the way for ongoing improvement and success in the digital age. Let us be your guide and partner on this transformative journey.


The cost of our Assist service is tailored to your business's specific AI requirements. While exact pricing varies based on the tools and strategies needed, our model is designed with your ROI in mind:

  • We work with various tool providers to secure the best possible pricing for our clients.

  • Every investment is justified by a strong business case.

  • You'll receive a clear, detailed cost breakdown, including the cost of AI tools, before making any commitments.


Our goal is to empower your business with AI, ensuring that the benefits far outweigh the costs and that every decision is backed by economic sense and strategic value.


In the evolving journey of artificial intelligence integration, Intelligence Assist introduces AIOaaS - AI Optimization as a Service, a pinnacle offering that ensures your business not only adopts AI but continues to thrive through its optimization. AIOaaS represents the culmination of our partnership and empowerment philosophy, providing ongoing support and enhancement for the AI tools within your operations.


Our AIOaaS service is designed for businesses that have embarked on their AI journey and are looking to maintain, optimize, and expand their AI capabilities. We understand that the adoption of AI is not a one-time event but a continuous process of improvement and adaptation to new challenges and opportunities.

What's Involved

AIOaaS offers a comprehensive suite of services to keep your AI operations at the forefront:


Continuous Optimization: Our team conducts regular assessments and refinements of your AI tools and processes. This ensures they remain at the cutting edge, delivering maximum value and efficiency to your business.


Responsive Support: You have direct access to our team of AI experts for troubleshooting, updates, and guidance. We're here to ensure your AI operations run smoothly and effectively, addressing any challenges that may arise.


Adaptive Strategies: As your business evolves, so should your AI ecosystem. We provide recommendations for new AI technologies and strategies that align with your growth, keeping you ahead of the curve.

What you get

By subscribing to AIOaaS, you gain:

  • Self-Reliance - we empower your business to manage and benefit from AI independently, giving you control over your AI journey.

  • Expert Partnership - while fostering self-reliance, we remain your committed partner, always ready to provide expert assistance when needed.

  • Future-Proofing - AIOaaS keeps you at the forefront of AI optimisation strategies and tools, ensuring your business is prepared for the future and equipped to lead in your industry.

With AIOaaS, you're not just keeping pace but leading the way in utilizing AI for growth, efficiency, and innovation. Let Intelligence Assist be your partner in not only reaching but exceeding your AI ambitions.


AIOaaS is offered at a tiered monthly subscription rate starting at  AUD 200. This investment secures you a partnership committed to your long-term success in the AI space, with continuous optimisation, responsive support, and adaptive strategies to drive your business forward.

*Please note this pricing is indicative and subject to change based on the specific needs and scale of your AI operations.

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